Saturday, October 27, 2012

Barack Obama - Desperation reeks, doncha know?

Thank GOD there are only 9 more days before the election because honestly? I don't think I can stand much more of the insanity.

The only things that make it at all bearable are the nuggets of parody brilliance that surface from time to time, and the occasional posts on Twitter that reassure me that there are others, many, many others, who see the craziness of the Campaign of Desperation being led by BO, the man with so much arrogance that he named his dog after himself. "Bo". (At least he didn't EAT Bo...) (...yet...)


An ugly thing.

How ugly, you ask? THIS ugly -

No kidding. This is for real. This was posted on President Obama's website, until the outrage made them remove it:
An Obama campaign official explained to The Daily Caller that the post was taken down because it had not been properly reviewed.
“We have a review process for our online content and this piece did not go through our regular review,” the campaign official wrote in an email. “When it was discovered, it was taken down.”
What, are they a bunch of prepubescent mental cases? In a word, yes.

What made it tolerable, to the point where I almost felt grateful for BO posting it, were the responses on Twitter. A taste of the best of the best -

As the man himself once said, the “future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

Desperation is ugly.

Still not convinced? How about this BO ad -


In case you are in any doubt, the above video is not a joke. Not for one single moment. It's a genuine, Obama-supported campaign advertisement.

Forget 'ugly'. She's friggin' creepy. I could only watch it once, my "first time" AND my last. She looks like a cult member. Her eyes. Creepy. The whole thing makes my skin crawl.
But then, just when I conclude that there is nothing presidential about presidential politics anymore, along comes Steven Crowder, the same guy who made the "Obama Changes" video in my last blog post, to soothe my highly offended soul. Not that his video is any more presidential, but it just proves with perfection how absurd, insulting, arrogant and mysogynistic Barack Obama, with all his garbage about contraception and abortion and Planned Parenthood fictional mammograms, truly is.


He even dressed like her! HYSTERICAL!!!!

So, the moral of this post is... no matter how condescending and unbelieveably awful Barack Obama is, and he is, there are hopeful and brilliant conservative Republicans, and even independents, out there who can mock the madness and desperation, preventing me from descending into it over the next 9 days and 3 hours.
Romney / Ryan 2012!!!!

UPDATE - I don't know who Julie Borowski is in the great scheme of things, but she has surfaced with her own Lena Dunham parody. Another work of art! So, without further ado...

There is hope for change from "Hope & Change". 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Obama's Changes" & "Ryan Girl" - the videos

This is the social media era of political campaigns, and I'm delighted to be able to enjoy it!! Here are a couple of examples of the creativity that's been unleashed by Americans tired of the last four years of 'hopeless unchangingness'.

Tonight is the night of the 2nd presidential debate, and to mark the occasion, here is a clip I discovered through Twitter.

It's bizarre, but brilliant in its bizarre-ity!

If David Bowie were dead, he'd be spinning in his grave. I don't what LIVE people do as the equivalent, but I'm sure whatever it is, he's doing it.

And of course, the answer to 2008's "Obama Girl" video is this year's "Ryan Girl".


As Republicans have learned, particularly over the past four years... it's better to laugh than to cry. Hopefully, there'll be lots of time for laughing, three weeks from today...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Smirk... the lack thereof... and MORE!!!

Mitt Romney's latest campaign ad, aired 12 hours after the first presidential debate of October 3, 2012.


From the website, "Washington Secrets"...
"That didn't take long. Exactly 12 hours after the first presidential debate ended, the Republican National Committee has released a new web video that zooms in on what pundits are calling his "smirk" at many of challenger Mitt Romney's lines Wednesday night.
"From the RNC: "Good morning, we're out with a new video 'Smirk' highlighting the president's debate performance where he was visibly uncomfortable as he struggled to give Americans answers on how he'll turn our country around with another four years. As Morning Joe said this morning - it appeared as if Obama thought debating was beneath him." "
Beautiful. Just beautiful!!

But what was equally beautiful was this photo of the Prez and the First Wookie Lady, dying to leave the stage, while Mitt Romney smiles to himself...

Dem dere be's two stunned folk!!!

From the website, "Beltway Confidential"...
"This photo from the Associated Press illustrates how the first presidential debate went. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama appear a bit overwhelmed as they look for an exit off the stage.

"Mitt Romney, however, smiles as he collects his notes from the podium."
And, as Dennis Miller, formerly of Saturday Night Live fame, observed via Twitter:

I've waited four years for moments such as these. *happy sigh*

Twitter was aflutter last night, as one can imagine. One tweet read something along the lines of "Obama lost the second debate of the night after he got home." Another, noting that it was the Obama's wedding anniversary, stated, "Worst. Anniversary. Ever." Yes, I'm sure it was.

And there's more!! The left's reactions to this first debate are leaving me reeling -

This link to a Jon Stewart interview proves decisively that porcine mammals have avian characteristics and can now achieve altitude.

And speaking of altitude, isn't it just so appropriate that the Global Warming Moron, Al Gore, could come up with this thoroughly awesome excuse for the big O's lame performance -

...and listen to the "objective" media types jumping on it like dogs on a bone. Awesome. So, I guess that means that anyone who flies into Denver (on planes that, incidentally, pressurize their cabins to 8000', not just the 5000' above sea level that is Denver), are mute and blithering idiots. Is that a correct assumption, oh Global Warming Moron? Yes, and hell is freezing over, too. You'd better go check that out.

I saw this clip from the movie "The Blues Brothers" on TV this morning. Sounds like Barackiacs and a laundry list of excuses. Brilliant!!

Finally, the pièce de resistance... Chris Matthews, of MSNBC's "Hardball", having an absolute, unflinchingly-biased meltdown following the debate:

Keep in mind that Chris Matthews was the person who famously said of Barack Obama, during the 2008 primary debates, “I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often”, on watching Barack Obama speak. I am willing to bet that he was pretty much tingle-free on Wednesday night!!!!!

It was glorious. All of it. I hope and I pray that in 32 more days, I'll have oodles and oodles more examples of the left's implosion, when Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan win this election.

PS -

6.Oct.12 - Someday, I'll get tired of updating this post, but not today!!
